Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Evaluasi Program Pelayanan Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) di DKI Jakarta/Tri Warsono

Evaluasi Program Pelayanan Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) di DKI Jakarta/Tri Warsono

Call Number : IM/sin TRI 2019
Availability : 3 copies available for loan
Manajemen Kesiswaan di Pesantren Tarbiyatul Wildan Nihayatul Amal : Studi kasus pesantren untuk anak usia dini. / AL GHAZALI

Manajemen Kesiswaan di Pesantren Tarbiyatul Wildan Nihayatul Amal : Studi kasus pesantren untuk anak usia dini. / AL GHAZALI

Call Number : MP/ds
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Next-Level Coaching : How to Use Sport Psychology to Educate, Motivate, and Improve Student-Athlete Performance

Next-Level Coaching : How to Use Sport Psychology to Educate, Motivate, and Improve Student-Athlete Performance

Call Number : 796.01 LOE n
Availability : 4 copies available for loan
The Coaching Habit : Say less, ask more and change the way you lead forever

The Coaching Habit : Say less, ask more and change the way you lead forever

Call Number : 303.34 STA c
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Effective Coaching

Effective Coaching

Call Number : 796.07 SAL e
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Coaching Basketball Successfully

Coaching Basketball Successfully

Call Number : 796.323 WOO c
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
The Practitioner's Handbook of Team Coaching

The Practitioner's Handbook of Team Coaching

Call Number : 658.3 CLU p
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Values and Ethics in Coaching

Values and Ethics in Coaching

Call Number : 658.3 IOR v
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice

Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice

Call Number : 658.3 GAR c
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Mom and Dad as Super Coaches : Metode Coaching dalam Dunia Parenting dan Pendidikan

Mom and Dad as Super Coaches : Metode Coaching dalam Dunia Parenting dan Pendidikan

Call Number : 649.1 PRA m
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
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