Address :
Kampus Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun muka, Jakarta, 13220
Phone Number :
+62 813-8375-4223
Fax Number :
(021) 4897047
Monday - Friday :
Open : 08.00 AM
Break : 12.00 - 13.00 PM
Close : 19.00 PM (Senin, Rabu, dan Jumat)
Saturday :
Open : 09.00 AM
Break : 12.00 - 13.00 PM
Close : 15.00 PM
We have many types of collections in our library, range from Fictions to Sciences Material, from printed material to digital collections such CD-ROM, CD, VCD and DVD. We also collect daily serials publications such as newspaper and also monthly serials such as magazines.
To be able to loan our library collections, you must first become library member. There is terms and conditions that you must obey.
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