Pengembangan Mathematical Mindset Scale Berbasis Keakuratan Penskalaan Tipe Thurstone, Likert, dan Skala 6 Kategori Respon pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika/PRIARTI MEGAWANTI
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah selain untuk mengembangkan alat ukur
Mathematical Mindset Scale (MMS) juga untuk membandingkan keakuratan MMS
pada tipe Thurstone, Likert, dan skala 6 kategori respon. Model pengembangan
yang digunakan adalah model terintergrasi dari Borg & Gall dan Lee & Owen yang
memiliki 12 tahapan. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari riset awal dan pengumpulan
teori, tahap perencanaan, tahap penyusunan alat ukur MMS, tahap validasi isi pakar
dan panelis, tahap revisi pertama, tahap judging group, tahap uji coba, tahap revisi
setelah uji coba, dan terakhir tahap diseminasi dan implementasi hasil penelitian.
MMS divalidasi melalui judgment pakar sebanyak tiga orang, yaitu pakar
psikometri, pendidikan, dan psikologi; validasi panel sebanyak 13 orang dan 200
judging group terdiri atas dosen dan guru matematika, serta mahasiswa Pendidikan
Matematika. Berdasarkan hasil judging group dengan mempertimbangkan nilai
median (S) dan interkuartil (Q) didapatkan 22 butir pernyataan yang kemudian
dibuat dalam bentuk skala Thurstone, Likert, dan skala 6 kategori respon. Seluruh
butir MMS tersebut diujicobakan ke 222 mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika dan
dianalisis. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA satu jalur dengan Welch’s
ANOVA dan uji 'post-hoc’ Games-Howell. Hasil penelitian ini: (1) MMS dengan
tipe skala 6 kategori respon memiliki keakuratan yang sama dengan skala Likert;
MMS dengan tipe skala Likert dan tipe skala 6 lebih akurat berdasarkan nilai
reliabilitas daripada MMS tipe skala Thurstone; (2) Berdasarkan hasil keakurasian
instrumen, menghasilkan MMS dengan Likert final sebanyak 11 butir dan
instrumen MMS skala 6 kategori respon sebanyak 10 butir.
Kata kunci: mathematical mindset, Thurstone, Likert, skala 6, akurasi
The purpose of this study was not only to develop the Mathematical Mindset Scale
(MMS) measuring instrument but also to compare the accuracy of the MMS on the
Thurstone, Likert, and 6-category response scales. The development model used is
an integrated model from Borg & Gall and Lee & Owen with 12 stages. The
research stages start from initial research and theory collection, planning stage,
MMS measuring instrument preparation stage, expert and panelist content
validation stage, first revision stage, judging group stage, trial stage, revision stage
after trial, and finally the dissemination and implementation stage of research
results. The MMS was validated through expert judgment of three people, namely
psychometric, education, and psychology experts; panel validation of 13 people
and 200 judging groups consisting of lecturers and mathematics teachers, as well
as Mathematics Education students. Based on the results of the judging group by
considering the median (S) and interquartile (Q) values, 22 statement items were
obtained which were then made in the form of Thurstone, Likert, and 6-category
response scales. All MMS items were tested on 222 Mathematics Education
students and analyzed. Data analysis used one-way ANOVA with Welch's AANIVA
and Games-Howell's post-hoc test. The results of this study: (1) MMS with a 6-
category response scale type has the same accuracy as the Likert scale; MMS with
a Likert scale type and a 6-category scale type are more accurate based on
reliability values than the Thurstone scale type MMS; (2) Based on the results of
instrument accuracy, the final MMS with Likert resulted in 11 items and the MMS
instrument with a 6-category response scale consisted of 10 items.
Keywords: mathematical mindset, Thurstone, Likert, Scale 6, accuracy
D1516 | PEP/ds D1516 | Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJ | Available |
Prodi Doktor Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNJ :
Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ.,
xv, 236 hlm. :ilus ;29,5 cm
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