Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Kompensasi dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Dosen di Universitas Respati Indonesia Jakarta/ AG. SUDIBYO

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The Higher Education in Indonesia becomes an effective infrastructure on graduating
human resources. Through the vocational schooling, academy, university or institute, human
resources in the fields of technology sciences, healthcare as well as humanoria experts are
produced. One of the important components in the process of higher education is its human
resources itself, especially the lecturers’ performance.
Some variables that are expected to influence lecturers’ performance are leadership,
compensation and competence. The purpose of the research is to obtain information and to
find out about the direct effects of leadership, compensation and competence on the
performance of lecturers.
The research is conducted at Universitas Respati Indonesia, Jakarta. The research is
based on associative causual survey through a quantitative approach. The analytical method
used is descriptive on the inferential data.
The results showed that there were direct effects against the leadership lecturers’
competency, there is a direct influence of compensation on lecturers’ performance, there is
direct effect on leadership against on lecturers’ performance, there is a direct effect of
leadership on competence, and there is no direct effect on competence against the lecturers’
performance. Conclusion, lecturer performance is not influenced by competence, but
influenced by leadership and compensation.
Keywords: Leadership, compensation, competence and performance
Dissertation Presentation at Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2020
Doctoral Program in Education Management
D1431MP/ds D1431Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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MP/ds D1431


Prodi Doktor Manajemen Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,


ix, 117 hlm. :ilus ;29,5 cm







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