Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Evaluasi Program DIKLAT Kepala Perpustakaan Sekolah di Pusdiklat Perpustakaan Nasional RI/Agus Supriana

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The research of program evaluation of the Head of School Library Training (KPS) was
conducted on 60 participants of KPS training in Training Center of the National Library.
The participants were the heads of school libraries coming from the teachers who had
lack of teaching hours and they were assisted in the position of the head of school
libraries. The study was aimed to find out the effectiveness of the training by using
Kirkpatrick evalauation method conducted in 4 levels, namely 1) participants’satisfaction
level on the implementation of the training; 2) the level of participants’ understanding on
the training materials; 3). Participants’ behavioral changes after following the training; 4).
The impacts of the changes of participants’ behavior toward their management
competence. The data collection was conducted through 1) questionnaire, 2) interview, 3)
documentation, 4) literature and 5) observation. The qualitative data analysis was done
interactively and continuously. Quantitative data analysis was used to measure
participants’ satisfaction, behavioral development dan behavioral impacts. The first three
levels were analyzed using Kirkpatrick weighting formula. The study showed that the
satisfaction level of the participants ranged between 74%-92%, with the satisfaction
average of 84% which was categorized as very positive. The difference between the
average scores of pretest and posttest was 18,44 which was categorized as impoving
significantly. There was a behavioral development of the participants on the disciplinary
aspect. The score of cooperation and the initiation was previously 4,49 and after
following the training they became 4,72. With the composition of more practicum
session,the training was still considered lack in learning hours, such as, cataloging and
library’s communication and information technology. Some instructors were considered
not well-prepared so that it was necessary to do the pedagogical and andragogical
development to the instructors. Having its own training center building is also needed to
have a more focused training activity…
Keyword: Evaluation, Satisfaction, learning, Behavior, Result.
2025000067aguMP/sin AGU 2020Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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MP/sin AGU 2020


Prodi Doktor Manajemen Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,


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