Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Moral Lingkungan Sebagai Mediator antara Instructional Leadership dan Kecerdasan Naturalis dengan Citizenship Behavior Siswa SMAN 4 Jakarta Terhadap Lingkungan/ Cucu Cahyana

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Environmental degradation has been identified caused by human lifestyles,
indicated by human behavior. That was why this research was aimed at
finding out information about verifying a confirmative model which consisted
of students’ citizenship behavior toward environment (CBE) affected by
instructional leadership (IL), naturalistic intelligence (NI), and mediated by
environmental morale (EM). A causal survey used, and 132 senior high school
students selected as sample. Four instruments developed for measuring IL
(reliability/rel. was .842), NI (rel. .759), EM (rel. .784) and CBE (rel. .837).
Data analyzed by multiple regression and correlation, and path analysis. The
research results showed that environmental morale was proved to be good
mediated factor between students NI which indirectly affect significantly on
students CBE. Base on the result IL was significant directly effect on students
CBE and NI was not significant directly effect on students CBE, therefore, it
could be concluded that if one of the efforts in trying to save our the only one
planet, in empowering students’ citizenship behavior toward environment,
students environmental ethic which closely related to morale, might be taken
into account when the role of teachers in term of their leadership and students
naturalistic intelligence could be not neglected at the instructional process in
environmental education at any schools.
Keywords: environmental citizenship behavior; instructional leadership;
naturalistic intelligence; environment ethic
2024000203cucPL/sin CUC 2020Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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Series Title


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PL/sin CUC 2020


Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Lingkungan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,


v, 23 hlm. :ilus ;21 cm







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