Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Kepribadian (Big-Five Personality) Siswa Terhadap Lingkungan: Studi korelasional sikap , locus of control dan tanggung jawab pribadi pada siswa SMA Swasta di DKI Jakarta

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Students’ Personality to the environment, is largely determined by supporting factors of personality such as environmental attitude, locus of control and personal responsibility. The students’ personality will be good if their attitudes are good, the attitudes are good if the students’ control are also good in and outside of themselves, the self-control of students will be good because of supported by their personal responsibility.
If students' environmental behavior will be built positively, then there must be considered the role of personality. The objective of this research is to find what factors related scientifically to personality in environmental settings. This research used non-causal survey method by selecting 120 eleventh grade students of Private High School in Jakarta randomly.
There are four instruments developed to measure personality (Big Five personality) with reliability (0.796), students' attitudes towards the environment (0.561), LOC (0.602) and personal responsibility (0.861). Data were analyzed by regression and correlation. The results revealed that those three independent variables (attitudes, LOC and personal responsibility) were positively and significantly correlated with students' personalities, particularly after being tested by second order correlation. Environmental attitude, locus of control and personal responsibility variables are the biggest contributors to students’ personality variance. Changing the students’ environmental behavior will be affected by personality, therefore these three factors can be counted by the time students’ personality being built to be more positive towards the environment.
Key words: big-five personality, locus of control, personal responsibility, second-order correlation.
2024000205damPL/sin DAM 2020Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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PL/sin DAM 2020


Prodi Doktor Pendidikan Lingkungan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,


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