Model Peningkatan Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Pelaku Usaha Mikro dan Kecil: Sebuah Kajian di Kabupaten Bogor/Warcito
Business empowerment according to Law Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is an effort made by the government, regional governments, business world, and the community in a synergistic manner in fostering a business climate, developing businesses so that they are able to grow and develop. be a business. strong and independent. In addition, Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Employment Creation related to MSMEs is to ensure the protection and empowerment of cooperatives and MSMEs related to digitalization by providing incentives to human resources, budgets, facilities and infrastructure.The general objective of this study is to find a conceptual model for increasing the entrepreneurial competence of micro and small business actors in Bogor Regency with the following specific objectives: (1) Describe the program to increase the entrepreneurial competence of micro and small business actors in Bogor Regency. Bogor Regency; (2) Evaluating the program to increase the entrepreneurial competence of micro and small business actors in Bogor Regency; and (3) formulating a program strategy to increase the entrepreneurial competence of micro and small business actors in Bogor Regency. This research uses a descriptive qualitative case study approach with the key informants being the Head of the SME Cooperatives Office in Bogor Regency, the Head of the Small Business Empowerment Section, the Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Section and the Micro Business Actors Informants who have participated. in the micro-enterprise empowerment program in Bogor Regency. Data collection methods include interviews, observations and documentation studies to check the validity of the data by using triangulation techniques. Data processing is carried out using the CIPP model evaluation approach and SWOT analysis.The results showed that 1) the program to increase the entrepreneurial competence of micro and small business actors was carried out related to business data collection, coaching through new entrepreneur training, micro and small business consulting clinics, technical competency training and strengthening institutions or corporations of micro and small businesses. 2) Program evaluation based on the CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) obtained the dimensions of the program context that need to be improved on business goals related to the business scope, the Input dimension needs to be improved on the condition of human resources, both program managers and program participant recruitment. Dimensions of the process of improving the program curriculum and product dimensions of improving business performance are not yet optimal. The priority of the strategy based on the SWOT analysis is to maintain and increase the commitment and motivation of the Program Manager's HR to be able to provide assistance to micro and small business actors.2) Program evaluation based on the CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) obtained a) context dimensions, programs that need to be improved on program targets related to business scope; b) The input dimension needs to be improved on the condition of human resources, both program managers and program participant recruitment; c) the dimension of the process, related to the improvement of the program curriculum; and d) product dimensions related to improving the business performance of micro and small business actors. 3) Strategy formulation based on the results of the CIPP model evaluation is carried out using a qualitative SWOT matrix approach. The priority of the strategy obtained is to maintain and increase the commitment and motivation of the Program Manager's HR to be able to provide assistance to micro and small business actors. The novelty in this study is related to the model of increasing the entrepreneurial competence of micro and small business actors with a qualitative CIPP and SWOT evaluation model approach.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial competence, strategy, SWOT, CIPP Model
2022019227war | IM/sin WAR 2022 | Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJ | Available |
Call Number
IM/sin WAR 2022
Prodi Doktor Ilmu Manajemen Pascasarjana UNJ :
Pascasarjana UNJ.,
48 hlm. : ilus. ; 21 cm.
Statement of Responsibility
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