Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Algoritma Pemrograman dan Struktur Data I Berbantuan E-Learning /YASIN EFENDI

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This researchaims to develop a learning model of Programming Algorithms and the Data I Structure of e-learning assistance. Research and development of this model will produce products in the form of print modules, learning designs and e-learning assisted media for Algorithms and Data I Structure courses.Development of learning models for Programming Algorithms and Structure of Data I for e-learning assistanceusing the Dick and Carey model design modified with the Trollip and Alessi models. The steps taken in the development of this model are preliminary research, planning and model development, validation, evaluation and revision of the model, and implementation of the model.Validation results from experts consisting of 93% learning design experts, 95% material experts, and 87% of media experts recommend that this development model isused in learning Programming Algorithms and Structure of Data I. As for the implementation of individual trialsare achieved95% achievement, a small group trials reaching 95%, and a field test achieved 96% success. The conclusion of the expert validation process and theresults of trials,that the development of learning models of Programming Algorithms and Structure of DataI fore-learning assistance is feasible to be used in learning.Keywords: learning model, algorithm, e-learning..
D0225TP/ds D0225Perpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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TP/ds D0225


Prodi Doktor Teknologi Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNJ : Pascasarjana UNJ.,


xix, 342 hlm.;Ilus : 29,5 cm







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