Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Mental Training for Runners: no more excuses!

Image of Mental Training for Runners: no more excuses!
I dont have time to run. The run will hurt or make me tired. I am too busy to run today. If youre always looking for any excuse to not go running, or put off starting a running regime, this book is for you! Athletes and people who just want to stay fit and exercise need to train their mind just as much as the body! Its easy to find excuses and stay at home, but with Jeff Galloways mental training strategies you will find yourself staying motivated and setting and reaching new goals in no time. In Mental Training for Runners you will find many useful tips on how to deal with stress. Jeff Galloway describes typical everyday situations and how to go out and run even if your brain is making up excuses. Jeff explains drills to help you rehearse a good response to those excuses so that over time you will change your habits; he presents training tools that will lower your stress and help you learn to set realistic goals. There is a section on better technique that will help you run better and achieve your next goal. Mental Training for Runners will put you on the path to a positive mental environment and will turn your mind, body, and spirit into a powerful team and tool.
2018015242gal613.7 GAL mPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
2018016112gal613.7 GAL mPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJCurrently On Loan (Due on2025-04-08)
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613.7 GAL m


Meyer Meyer Sport : United Kingdom.,


207 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm.







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