Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Managing Change, Creativity, and Innovation

Image of Managing Change, Creativity, and Innovation
A fresh approach to managing organizational change by looking at it as complex, dynamic and messy as opposed to a series of neat, linear stages and processes leading to success.

Key to the approach is the idea that change, creativity and innovation all overlap and interconnect rather than being three separate areas of study and that managing the three together is central to organizations having the competitive edge in developing new technologies and techniques, products and services. The book continues to offer practical guidelines as well as a theoretical understanding of change, creativity and innovation. It delivers an equal balance of critical perspectives and sound ideas for organizational change and development and presents the idea that change can be proactive, driven by creativity and innovation.

The new edition includes additional change management content including learning, personal change, managing the self, employability, developments in conventional Organizational Development and new emergent forms including appreciative inquiry. Along with a series of rich international case studies, including TNT Australia, Amazon, Leeds Rhinos, Jerusalem Paints, Alpha Pro Pump and KPMG.

It is supported by a range of learning and revision aids including reflective exercises, review and discussion questions and hands-on research tasks. All of which help students to reflect on the material covered and provide a source for more open group discussion and debate.

A companion website accompanies the book, with additional material including PowerPoint slides for lecturers and video links and access to SAGE journal articles for Students.

Suitable for upper-level undergraduates and postgraduate students.
2018011462daw658.406 DAW mPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
2018011463daw658.406 DAW mPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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Series Title


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658.406 DAW m


sage publications : London.,


xxvi, 638 hlm. : ilus. ; 23,5 cm.







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