Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Leadership Transformed : How Ordinary Managers Become Extraordinary Leaders

Image of Leadership Transformed : How Ordinary Managers Become Extraordinary Leaders
After more than a decade s research and practice, Dr. Fuda shares the seven common themes that have enabled hundreds of CEOs around the world to transform themselves into highly effective leaders, and transform the performance of their organizations as well. Through his work, Dr. Fuda discovered that the best way to elicit deep and broad discussion of the seven leadership themes and to describe the CEOs mastery of what they had learned was through metaphor.
Fire motivational forces that initiate and sustain transformation efforts.
Snowball mutual accountability, and the consequent momentum that occurs when a critical mass of leaders commit to shared leadership principles.
Master Chef leadership frameworks, tools, and strategies that can be artfully deployed.
Coach how a coaching staff can collectively help leaders achieve their aspirations.
Mask leaders can shed the heavy burden of wearing a mask in favor of a more congruent best self.
2018010918fud658.4'09 2 FUD lPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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658.4'09 2 FUD l


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt : New York.,


xxviii, 210 hlm. : ilus. ; 21,5 cm.






658.4'09 2

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