Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Human Development Across the Life Span

Image of Human Development Across the Life Span
Known for its clear, straightforward writing style, comprehensive coverage, strong and current research-based approach, and excellent visuals and tables, this life-span development text offers a topical organization at the chapter level and a consistent chronological presentation within each chapter. Each chapter focuses on a domain of development such as physical growth, cognition, or personality, and traces developmental trends and influences in that domain from infancy to old age. Within each chapter, you will find sections on four life stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. This unique organization enables students to comprehend the processes of transformation that occur in key areas of human development. Another staple of the text is its emphasis on theories and how they apply to specific topics in each chapter. This new edition also asks students to engage more actively with the content, and includes a clear focus on the complex interactions of nature and nurture in development, more integrated coverage of culture and diversity, and an exciting new media package for both students and instructors
2018007069sig128 SIG hPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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128 SIG h


Wadsworth/Cengage Learning : United States.,


xvi, 587 hlm., lamp. : ilus.; 28 cm.







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7th ed.


human development

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