Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Developing Writing Skills in German

Image of Developing Writing Skills in German
Developing Writing Skills in German, is a unique course designed to improve the reading and writing skills of intermediate students of German. Presenting a wide range of authentic written materials, the book aims to develop reading strategies and the ability to write texts of various types - essays, articles and reviews - while imparting an understanding of important aspects of German society.

From the environment to consumerism, each chapter focuses on a different theme and concentrates on the advancement of particular skills; all the chapters conclude with a task appropriate to the skills focus of the section.

Summary writing, note-taking, the use of mind-maps to collect ideas, and other strategies for successful writing in German are presented here. This course is suitable both for classroom use and independent study, with feedback and answer key supplied at the back of the book.
2018004279dev372.623 431 DEVPerpustakaan Pascasarjana UNJAvailable
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Series Title


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372.623 431 DEV


Routledge : London.,


viii, 264 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm.







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Cetakan ke- 1

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