Perpustakaan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNJ
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Found 4 from your keywords: Author : "SELK, Jason"
Query took 0.00141 second(s) to complete
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10 (Sepuluh)- Menit Ketahanan Mental : program melatih mental untuk menang sebelum memulai pertandingan

10 (Sepuluh)- Menit Ketahanan Mental : program melatih mental untuk menang sebelum memulai pertandingan

Call Number : 155.7 SEL s
Availability : 5 copies available for loan
Executive Toughness: The Mental-Training Program to Increase Your Leadership Performance

Executive Toughness: The Mental-Training Program to Increase Your Leadership Performance

Call Number : 658.4'09 SEL e
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Lead Any Team to Win : Master the essential mindset to motivate, set priorities and build your own dynasty

Lead Any Team to Win : Master the essential mindset to motivate, set priorities and build your own dynasty

Call Number : 303.34 SEL l
Availability : 1 copies available for loan
Organize Tomorrow Today: 8 ways to retrain your mind to optimize Performance at work and in life

Organize Tomorrow Today: 8 ways to retrain your mind to optimize Performance at work and in life

Call Number : 158 SEL o
Availability : 2 copies available for loan

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